Grand Street Contributors
(Issues 36-73)

Poetry   |   Fiction   |   Artist Portfolios   |   Subject Portfolios   |   Non-Fiction



    "This is My Name" (tr. Kamal Abu-Deeb) GS 40, p. 151

    "The Time" (tr. Allen Hibbard and Osama Isber) GS 59, p. 166

Gosta Agren

    "The Return of Orpheus" (tr. David McDuff) GS 56, p. 108

Meena Alexander

    "Paper Filled With Light" GS 39, p. 99

Agha Shahid Ali

     "Ghazal" GS 39, p. 97

Fergus Allen

    "Knight Errant" GS 51, p. 116

    "Up and Down" GS 51, pp. 117-118

    "Interesting Times" GS 51, pp. 119-120

Nuar Alsadir

    "The Renovated Room" GS 65, p. 193

    "Untitled" GS 65, p. 194

    "Chiaroscuro" GS 65, p. 195

Keith Althaus

    "Little Elegy" GS 65, p. 39

Grover Amen

    "On the Runway" GS 38, p. 204

    "The Book" GS 68,  p. 67

    "Skulls" GS 68,  p. 70

    "Night Fishing" GS 68,  p. 71

    "Out" GS 73, p. 187

    "Tamara" GS 73, p. 188

Yehuda Amichai

    "My Son Was Drafted" GS 66, p. 43 (tr. Chana Bloch & Chana Kronfeld)

Indran Amirthanayagam

    "204 Messages to K." GS 41, p. 127

A. R. Ammons

    "The Land of the Knobble-Jobble Tree" GS 45, p. 68

    "Mucilage" GS 64, p. 147


    "From the Gododdin" (tr. W. S. Merwin) GS 42, p. 174


    "Egyptian Love Lyrics" (tr. Barbara Hughes Fowler) GS 50, p. 110

Guillaume Apollinaire

"Inscription for the Tomb of the Painter Henri Rousseau Customs

Inspector" (tr. Ron Padgett) GS 63, p. 40

    "There Is" (tr. Ron Padgett) GS 63, p. 41

Rae Armantrout

    "A Pulse" GS 41, p. 54

Simon Armitage

    "Chapter and Verse" GS 53, p. 123

    "A Week and A Fortnight" GS 53, p. 124

Antonin Artaud

    "Here Lies" (tr. Clayton Eshleman & Bernard Bador) GS 48, p. 186

    "Untitled" (tr. Clayton Eshleman & Bernard Bador) GS 60, p. 245

John Ashbery

    "The Beer Drinkers" GS 36, p. 68

    "Of Dreams and Dreaming" GS 36, p. 65

    "About to Move" GS 47, p. 218

    "Pathless Wanderings" GS 47, p. 220

    "Tuesday Evening" GS 49, p. 123

    "You Dropped Something" GS 54, p. 199

    "The Penitent" GS 54, p. 201

    "The Pathetic Fallacy" GS 64, p. 180

    "Gentle Reader" GS 64, p. 182

     from "Girls on the Run" GS 67, p. 22


    "The Greedy Man and the Envious Man" (tr. David R. Slavitt) GS 45,

p. 216

    "The Hunter and the Tiger" (tr. David R. Slavitt) GS 45, p. 215

    "The Wolf and the Kid" (tr. David R. Slavitt) GS 45, p. 217

Jimmy Santiago Baca

    "Love Poem" GS 38, p. 23

Iain Bamforth

    "Muir's Horses" GS 63, p. 69

    "The Cages" GS 63, p. 70

    "Love and Logic" GS 63, p. 71

Amiri Baraka

    "The City of New Ark: Wave Beats" GS 39, p. 125

    "Othello Jr." GS 55, p. 35

Burlin Barr

    "Cul de Sac" GS 42, p. 12

    "Tremendous Mood Swings" GS 46, p. 229

Bruce Beasley

    "Lang Syne" GS 70, p. 97

    "Amen" GS 70, p. 98

" Not Light nor Life nor Love nor Nature nor Spirit nor Semblance nor Anything We Can Put into Words" GS 71, p. 72

Martine Bellen

    "The Tale of Murasaki" GS 43, p. 85

    "Belle Starr" GS 55, pp. 193-198

Nathaniel Bellows

    "Alfalfa Farm" GS 71, p. 164

Erin Belieu

    "Nocturne: My Sister Life" GS 59, p.204

Mei-Mei Berssenbrugge

    "Sphericity" GS 44, p. 174

Lynne Beyer

    "Air" GS 46, p. 214

    "Krishnamurti's Journal" GS 46, p. 213

Wolf Biermann

    "I'm not so worried about Germany" (tr. John Hamilton) GS 69, p. 248

Don Bogden

    "Cardinals" GS 66, p. 179

Jay Boggis

    "To My Father" GS 58, p. 111

Jorge Luis Borges

    "Music Box" (tr. Robert Mezey & R. G. Barnes) GS 43, p.  184

    "The Nightmare" (tr. Robert Mezey & R. G. Barnes) GS 43, p. 185

Kendra Borgmann

    "Genus: Rosa" GS 67, p. 102

 "Bed" GS 67, p. 105

 "Now Showing at the Roxy" GS 67, p. 106

Volker Braun

    "The Hill of the Dead" (tr. Michael Hofmann) GS 69, p. 41

"Following the Massacre of the Illusions" (tr. Michael Hofmann) GS 69,

p. 42

"The Bay of the Deceased" (tr. Michael Hofmann) GS 69, p. 43

    "Lagerfeld" (tr. David Constantine) GS 70, p. 232

    "Oysters" (tr. David Constantine) GS 70, p. 234

    "The Magma in the Heart of the Tuareg" (tr. David Constantine) GS 70,

p. 235

Bertolt Brecht

    "A Visit to the Banished Poets" (tr. Tom Kuhn) GS 66, p. 160

    "Besuch bei den verbannten Dichtern" GS 66, p. 161

    "War Primer" (tr. Daniel Slager) GS 69, p. 101

Gerald Burns

    "Atalanta in Cleveland" GS 44, p. 206

Juan Cameron

"Mary Beth Lacey Dreams of Being Christine Cagney" (tr. Cola Franzen)

GS 61, p.64

    "Last Night the War Ended" (tr. Cola Franzen) GS 61, p. 65

    "Imitation of Pavese" (tr. Cola Franzen) GS 66 p, 16

Michael Carlson

    "Torches Mauve" GS 54, p. 63

    "Blueberry Eyes" GS 54, p. 64

Gabriel Celaya

    "Marea del silencio--41" GS 49, p. 222

AimŽ CŽsaire

    "Lynch 1" (tr. Clayton Eshleman) GS 57, p. 152

    "The Way Things Turn Out" (tr. T.J. Anderson III) GS 61, p. 21

    "Secret Society" (tr. T.J. Anderson III) GS 61, p. 22

Yiorgos Chouliaras

    "The Dream of Phernazes" (tr. David Mason) GS 42, p. 147

    "The Family of Greeks" (tr. David Mason) GS 42, p. 150

Inger Christensen

    "Watersteps" (tr. Susanne Nied) GS 72, p. 140-150

Nicholas Christopher

    "In the Year of the Comet" GS 40, p. 116

    "From 5" GS 50, p. 90

Jeff Clark

    "St. Nemele" GS 60, p. 83

Marc Cohen

    "Evensong" GS 64, p. 68

Clark Coolidge

    "The Dream's Green Deceits" GS 37, p. 23

Peter Constantine

    "What My Grandfather Did in the Second World War" (tr. Burton Pike)

        GS 68, p. 192

    "What My Grandmother Did in the Second World War" (tr. Burton Pike)

        GS 68, p. 194

Sam Cornish

    "Cross a Parted Sea" GS 56, p. 37

    "Elegy for My Father 1945" GS 56, p. 38

Robert Creeley

    "Won't it Be Fine" GS 57, p. 85

    "Faint Faces" GS 43, p. 28

    "Heaven" GS 43, p. 29

    "One Way" GS 43, p. 29

    "Other" GS 37, p. 91

Cynthia Cruz

    "The Kingdom" GS 72, p. 39

" Nepenthe"  GS 72, p. 39

"Goleta" GS 72, p. 30

"Little Fox in the Ghostweed" GS 72, p. 40

"The Report on Horses II" GS 72, p. 41

S‡ndor Cso—ri

    "So You Won't Be A Witness Today Either" (tr. Len Roberts & Anette           Marta) GS 54, p. 21

    "May the Water Keep Vigil with Me" (tr. Len Roberts & Anette               Marta) GS 54, p. 22

    "Seasons at Odds with Themselves" (tr. Len Roberts & Maria Szende)

        GS 67, p. 211

Bei Dao

    Two untitled poems (tr. Bonnie McDougall) GS 36, p. 172

    "Arrival" GS 57, p. 77 (tr. David Hinton with Yanbing Chen)

    "Creation" GS 57, p. 78 (tr. David Hinton with Yanbing Chen)

    "Nightwatch" GS 57, p. 79 (tr. David Hinton with Yanbing Chen)

    "Black Map" GS 72, p. 124 (tr.Eliot Weinbgerger)

    "Ramallah" GS 72, po. 125 (tr. Eliot Weinberger)

Lesley Dauer

    "Travel" GS 68, p. 32

    "Bewilderment Is Love" GS 68, p. 36

Mahmoud Darwish

"Eleven Stars Over Andalusia" (tr. Mona Anis, Nigel Ryan, Agha Shahid           Ali, Ahmad Dallal) GS 48, p. 100

    "Musical Clause" (tr. Ben Bennani) GS 70, p. 45

Seamus Deane

    "Love Poem" GS 44, p. 29

    "The Sense of an Ending" GS 44, p. 30

    "The Siege of Derry" GS 44, p. 26

    "The Winter That Succeeded" GS 44, p. 28

Connie Deanovich

    "Requirements for an Addiction to Movies" GS 62, p. 15

Ales Debeljak

    "Elegy" (tr. Michael Biggins) GS 39, p. 209

Christopher Dewdney

    "From A Natural History of Southwestern Ontario" GS 45, p. 46

Joanne Diaz

    "Reenactment, Gettysburg" GS 72, p. 107

Ray DiPalma

    "The Prerogative of Lieder" GS 42, p. 189

    "Mercator" GS 46, p. 168

Arkadii Dragomoshchenko

    "From Xenia" (tr. Lyn Hejinian & Elena Balashova) GS 40, p. 82

Carlos Drummond de Andrade

"A Woman Walking Naked Through the House" (tr. Gregory Rabassa)

GS 61, p. 181

    "In Your Crinkly Garden Brown Anemones" (tr. Gregory Rabassa)

 GS 61, p. 181

    "It Was a Morning in September" (tr. Gregory Rabassa) GS 61, p. 182

Rachel Blau DuPlessis

    "Draft 11: Schwa" GS 39, p. 26

    "Draft 24: The Gap" GS 54, p. 172

Martin Edmunds

    from "The High Road to Taos" GS 46, p. 215

Thomas Sayers Ellis

    "The Black Silk Palace, Plainfield, New Jersey (1964-1970)" GS 57, p.35

    "Parliament/Funkadelic, Houston Summit (1976)" GS 57, p. 37

    "Photograph of Dr. Funkenstein" GS 57, p. 40

    "Heads" GS 66, p. 162

    "Cowboy Minimalism" GS 66, p. 166

    "Balloon Dog" GS 66, p. 168

Clayton Eshleman

    "A Cross Section of the Incarnation" GS 48, p. 120

    "The Not-So-Mysterious Koan" GS 48, p. 116

    "Some Fugal Lubrication" GS 48, p. 117

    "Artaud's True Family, Glimpsed at Beaubourg" GS 55, p. 170

    "De Kooning's Woman I" GS 59, p. 144

Elaine Equi

    Wang Wei's Moon GS 58, p. 157

George Evans

    "The Lightning Field" GS 58, p. 44

    "Elisa Kneeling" GS 63, p. 124

Paul Farley

    "A Stranding" GS 72, p. 151

    "A God" GS 72, p. 152

    'A Wooden Sky" p. 153

Wayne Farmer

    "Memoir" GS 50, p. 214

Elaine Feinstein

    "Living Room" GS 68, p. 102

    "Poet" GS 68, p. 104

Lawrence Ferlinghetti

    "Untitled" GS 60, p. 219

    "Untitled" GS 60, p. 220

Alexander Fisher

    "Gesture" GS 56, p. 209

    "animal speak" GS 56, p. 210

    "Field Guide" GS 56, p. 212

Robert Fitterman

    "here and then" GS 45, p. 150

Five Poems of Old India (tr. Andrew Schelling) GS 62, p. 232

Edwin Frank

    "Likeness" GS 40, p. 122

Lee Fulton

    "Study of the Absolute as a Walnut" GS 73, p. 114

Eduardo Galeano

    "Windows" (tr. Mark Fried) GS 61, p. 39

Forrest Gander

    "Keeping an Appointment" GS 56, p.77

    "Something" GS 56, p.78

    "Escaped Trees of Lynchburg" GS 60, p. 211

    "Inexhaustible Appearance" GS 60, p. 213

Suzanne Gardinier

    "1939" GS 37, p. 109

Agnes Gergely

    "Imago 7: Elegy for the Images of Christopher Okigbo"

        (tr. Nathaniel Tarn) GS 45, p. 99

    "Imago 8: Proportions" (tr. Nathaniel Tarn) GS 45, p. 96

    "Imago 9: The Parchment" (tr. Nathaniel Tarn) GS 45, p. 97

Celia Gilbert

    "Holding On" GS 55, p. 186

    "When" GS 55, p. 186

    "Nowhere" GS 55, p. 187

Peter Gizzi

    "Facades for Theron Ware" GS 46, p. 79

Jody Gladding

    "She says the Snow" GS 58, p. 205

    "She Starts to Walk" GS 58, p. 206

    "She wants to Sleep in Her Own Bed" GS 58, p. 206

Sarah Gorham

    "The Minor Manchu's Daughter" GS 38, p. 129

Dieter M. Grþf

    "Edge of the West"  (tr. Andrew Shields) GS 72, p. 154

    "Detail from the Edge of the West" (tr. Andrew Shields)  GS 72, p. 155

Jorie Graham

    "Manifest Destiny" GS 42, p. 65

Taylor Graham

    "Myotis, Pipistrelle" GS 72, p. 163

Lavinia Greenlaw

    "Steam" GS 70, p. 163

Durs GrŸnbein

    "Berlin Round" (tr. Michael Hofmann) GS 69, p. 15

Jorge GuillŽn

    "Afterwards" (all poems translated by Cola Franzen) GS 60, p. 230

    "Ministry, Minstrelry" GS 60, p. 230

    "Corner Bar" GS 60, p. 231

    "Ultramadrigal" GS 60, p. 231

    "My Dear Sir" GS 60, p. 232

    "Air All Around" GS 60, p. 232

Shmuel HaNagid

    "I'd Suck Bitter Poison from the Viper's Mouth" GS 55, p. 210

    "Could Kings Right a People Gone Bad" GS 55, p. 211

    "The Multiple Troubles of Man" GS 55, p. 211

    "Earth to Man" (all tr. Peter Cole) GS 55, p. 212

James Haining

    "The Rose Chapel" GS 44, p. 189

    "Big Tires for Chris Hagen" GS 47, p. 95

    "The Broad Highway" GS 47, p. 96

    "Little Golden Aquariums" GS 51, pp. 192-93

Joy Harjo

    "The Flood" GS 36, p. 77

Tomas Harris

    "Danger Zones", "Sea of Crisis", "The Burning Afternoons of Cathay"

GS 67, p. 34

John Hartley Williams

    "Century" GS 73, p. 112-113

Matthea Harvey

    "Translation" GS 65, p.86

Lee Harwood

    "The Songs of Those Who Are on the Sea of Glass" GS 56, p. 134

    "Late Journeys" GS 63, p. 111

Seamus Heaney

    "From The Republic of Conscience' GS 73 ,p 6-7

Lyn Hejinian

    "From Sleeps" GS 44, p. 60

Herberto Helder

    "from Flash" (tr. Alexis Levitin)  GS 72, p. 162

David Hellman

    "Hunger and Mobility" GS 68,  p. 154

    "This Is How My Heart Beats" GS 68,  p. 155

"I Am on the Dark Side of the Earth Now" GS 68,  p. 156

Brian Henry

    "Reclined Nude" GS 71, p. 46

Ernst Herbeck

    "The Dream" (tr. Melissa Monroe) GS 41, p. 221

    "Homesickness" (tr. Melissa Monroe) GS 41, p. 219

    "Morning" (tr. Melissa Monroe) GS 41, p. 219

    "The Squirrel" (tr. Melissa Monroe) GS 41, p. 222

Zbigniew Herbert (tr. John and Bogdana Carpenter)

    "Altar" GS 65, p. 131

    "The Ardennes Forest" GS 65, p. 132

    "Still Life" GS 65, p. 134

    "Impartial Autumn" GS 65, p. 135


    "A Private Talk Among Friends" (tr. Guy Davenport) GS 53, p. 53

Stefan Hertmans

    "Marsyas" (tr. Duncan Dobbelmann) GS 70, p.31

Roald Hoffman

    "Arctic Hegira" GS 52, p. 110

Michael Hofmann

    "Erding Endstation" GS 60, p. 102

    "Night Train" GS 60, p. 103

    "Before She Met Me" GS 60,  p. 104

    "Fucking" GS 60, p. 104

    "For Gert Hofmann, died 1 July 1993" GS 68, p. 118

    "Directions" GS 68, p. 120

    "Poem" GS 73, p 35

John Hollander

    "Days of Autumn" GS 38, p. 178

Miroslav Holub

    "Duties of a Train Conductor" (tr. Dana Habova & David Young)

        GS 40,   p. 191

    "The Day of the Pollyana" (tr. Dana Habova & David Young)

        GS 52,    p. 58

    "Whale Dogs" (tr. David Young) GS 52, p. 59

    "Metaphysics" (tr. David Young) GS 52, p. 60

Fanny Howe

    "The Apophatic Path" GS 48,p. 18

    "Basic Science," GS 48,p. 181

    "Good Friday Night" GS 40, p. 30

    "Menace" GS 52, p. 129

    "Noted" GS 52, p. 130

    "The Wreck of the 737" GS 60, p. 146

Laird Hunt

    "Dear Sweetheart" GS 62, p. 22

    "Dear Sweetheart" GS 62, p. 23 

David Ignatow

    "The Butcher Shop" GS 57, p. 165

Jouni Inkala

    "At that point . . ." (tr. Anselm Hollo) GS 48, p. 63

Major Jackson

    "Moose" GS 73, p. 161-162

    "Colette's" GS 73, p.163 -164

    "Tears" GS 73, p. 165-166

Josephine Jacobsen

    "The Limbo Dancer" GS 37, p. 166

Willa Jarnagin

    "House" GS 57, p. 120

    "Way Home" GS 57, p. 121

Lisa Jarnot

    "From Sea Lyrics" GS 58, p. 87

Matt Jasper

    "Anastasia, Purdy Group Home" GS 36, p. 130

    "Flight" GS 36, p. 131

    "Moth Moon" GS 42, p. 101

            "Mathematician" GS 52, p. 78  

         "Divining" GS 52, p. 79

        "A Translation, Purdy Group Home" GS 52, p. 80

        "Sunlight Floods the Room. Three Are Drowned." GS 52, p. 81

Hwang Jini

    "Blue Stream" (tr. Constantine Contogenis & Wolhee Choe)

        GS 43, p. 174

Stacey Land Johnson

    "Day of the Dead" GS 45, p. 132

    "Flashes" GS 39, p. 158

    "Pornography" GS 39, p. 155

Rodney Jones

    "Evolving Patois" GS 36, p. 149

    "Shame the Monsters" GS 44, p. 118

    "Waking Up" GS 54, p. 106

Martha Black Jordan

     "Chinese Landscape by Fan K'uan" GS 68, p. 43

Nizar Kabbani

    "Grant Me Love That I May Bloom and Green"

        (tr. Mohja Kahf) GS 68, p. 106


    "Five Ecstatic Songs" (tr. Andrew McCord) GS 43, p. 82

Suman K. Kapoor

    "Think Without Words" GS 45, p. 134

Robert Kelly

    "Mapping" GS 43, p. 53

    "Doors" GS 50, p. 16

Christopher Kennedy

    "On Earth As It Is In Heaven" GS 65, p. 175

John Kinsella

    "Dead Wood and Scorpions" GS73, p. 191

    "The Travelling Medium" GS 72, p. 174-175


Karen Kipp

    "The Dead Watching" GS 37, p. 131

Karl Kirchway

"My Grandmother's Suitcase" GS 70, p. 60

Sarah Kirsch

    "Raw Medley" (tr. Peter Constantine) GS 69, p. 90

August Kleinzahler

    "Hard-Boiled" GS 49, p. 34

    "Aubade on East Twelfth Street" GS 51, p. 98

    "Red Sauce, Whiskey and Snow" GS 51, p. 99

Edvard Kocbek

    "Occurrence" (tr. Michael Biggins) GS 44, p. 204

    "A Plea" (tr. Michael Biggins) GS 44, p. 20

Kenneth Koch

    "The First Step" GS 41, p. 82

Yannis Kondos

    "Each night the woman" (tr. Peter Constantine) GS 70, p. 155

Michael KrŸger

    "From Idylls and Illusions" (tr. Richard Dove) GS 44, p. 148

    "Indian Summer" (tr. Richard Dove) GS 71, p. 114

    "Cello Suite" (tr. Richard Dove) GS 71, p. 115

Damon Krukowski

    "The Antediluvian World" GS 49, p. 208

    "Caresse Crosby Dreams a Dream" GS 60, p. 169

GŸnter Kunert

    "Mid-July" (tr. Peter Constantine) GS 69, p. 31

    "Belin, paleontologically" (tr. Peter Constantine) GS 69, p. 32

    "Postwar Berlin" (tr. Peter Constantine) GS 69, p. 176

    "Prinz Albert Strasse (tr. Peter Constantine) GS 69, p. 176

"The Jewish Cemetery in Weissensee" (tr. Peter Constantine) GS 69,


"In the Gallery" GS73, p. 95

"Natural History" GS75, p. 96

"Berlin Anew" GS73,  p. 97

Deborah Landau

    "From Nevada, in  Defense of My Marriage" GS 71, p. 70

Lance Larsen

    "Landscape with Hungry Gulls" GS 71, p. 190

Stig Larsson

    "Pools of Strong Indian Tea and Urine" (tr. Rika Lesser) GS 47, p. 57

James Laughlin

    "The Desert in Bloom" GS 49, p. 91

    "Coprophilus" GS 53, p. 114

    "An Elegy of Mimnermus" GS 55, p. 118

    "Three Pentastichs" GS 57, p. 179

    "Three Pentastichs" GS 60, p. 10

    "Funerals" GS 64, p. 108

    "Illness" GS 64, p. 110

Nick Lawrence

    "'Ask How I Tremble'" GS 57, p. 126

    "unfinished syllogism" GS 57, p. 127

    "Song" GS 57, p. 128

Joseph Lease

    "Footloose radish . . ." GS 46, p. 30

    "Hammer" GS 46, p. 29

    "Marathon House" GS 47, p. 26

    "The Room" GS 43, p. 133

    "Essay on Addiction" GS 59, p.54

    "Thief" GS 59, p. 56

    "White Birches" GS 63, p. 52

    "Among Them" GS 63, p. 53

    "Ode" GS 63, p. 54

Li-Young Lee

    "The City in Which I Love You" GS 36, p. 10

Adam Lefevre

    "Number Theory" GS 59, p. 99

    "Halftime" GS 59, p. 100

Maria Claire Leng

    "No One Dies in This Life" GS 64, p. 227

Sue Lenier

    "In Praise of the Death of a Child" GS 51, p. 222

    "The Late Foxes" GS 51, p. 223

JosŽ Lezama Lima

    "My Wife Mar’a Luisa" (tr. Roberto Tejada) GS 61, p. 118

Enrique Lihn

    "Order Has Won Over" (tr. Alastair Reid) GS 61, p. 54

    "I Almost Cross Through The Screen" (tr. Alastair Reid) GS 61, p. 55

    "The City of Self" (tr. Alastair Reid) GS 61, p. 55

Timothy Liu

    "Nocturne: Fire Island" GS 59, p. 68

    "Two Men on a Bench Watching the Light Die Down" GS 59, p. 69

Luljeta Lleshanaku

    "Once Again About My Father" (tr. Albana Lleshanaku & Henry Israeli)

        GS 64, p. 213

    "Fresco" (tr. Uk Zenel Bupapa & Henry Israeli) GS 64, p. 214

    "Peninsula" (tr. Albana Lleshanaku & Henry Israeli) GS 64, p. 215

Michael Longley

    "The Devils" GS 70, p. 86

    "The Pheasants" GS 70, p. 89

    "The Painters" GS 70, p. 89

Brennen T. Lukas

    "Coda" GS 68, p. 137

    "Seventeen Promises" GS 68, p. 138

Nathaniel Mackey

    "Song of Andoumboulou: 35" GS 61, p. 226

Gerard Malanga

    "Leaving New York" GS 63, p. 135

David Mamet

    "Hotel Atlantic" GS 41, p. 145

Jaime Manrique

    "Barranco de Loba, 1929" (tr. Edith Grossman) GS 40, p. 49


    "Epigrams" (tr. D. R. Shackleton Bailey) GS 46, p. 119

Herbert Woodward Martin

    "Final W." GS 41, p. 175

    "The Washerwoman's Fire" GS 38, p. 7

Bejan Matur

    from "Winds Howl Through the Mansions" (tr. Ruth Christie) GS 70,

        p. 107

Bernadette Mayer

    "Ice Cube Epigrams" GS 44, p. 190

    "Possessives and Apostrophes" GS 56, p. 159

    "Screaming Cheetah Wheelies" GS 56, p. 160

    "The Story of a Woman Who Am I? Forgive Me" GS 66, p.135

Friederike Mayrocker

    "Heiligenanstalt" (tr. Rosmarie Waldrop) GS 42, p. 49

    "nostalgia" (tr. Rosmarie Waldrop) GS 52, p. 118

Gillian McCain

    "Scissors" GS 65, p. 123

Michael McClure

    "Disturbed by Freedom" GS 38, p. 216

Andrew McCord

    "Frames of a Coptic Funeral" GS 44, p. 80

    "The Ganges in Flood" GS 47, p. 34

Walter McDonald

    "Dogs in the World They Own" GS 37, p. 35

Susie Mee

    "From the Gospel According to Elvis" GS 55, p. 100

Jo‹o Cabral de Melo Neto

    "Windows" (tr. Richard Zenith) GS 61, p. 170

    "Water and the Poem" (tr. Richard Zenith) GS 61, p. 170

    "Tourist Pitch for Recipe" (tr. Richard Zenith) GS 61, p. 171

     "Cemetary in Para’ba (Between Flores and Princesa)"

         (tr. Richard Zenith) GS 61, p. 172

    "The Sea and the Cane Field" (tr. Richard Zenith) GS 61, p. 173

    "Fort Orange, Itamarac‡" (tr. Richard Zenith) GS 61, p. 174

    "The School of Knives" (tr. Richard Zenith) GS 61, p. 175

    "Plantation Boy" (tr. Richard Zenith) GS 61, p. 176

W.S. Merwin

    "After Fires" GS 54, p. 143

    "The Cisterns" GS 54, p. 145

Christopher Middleton

    "A Breeze in Derveni" GS 50, p. 63

    "Loom Is Being Granular" GS 62, p. 63

    "Adagio in the Shipyard" GS 62, p. 65

    "Anatolian Horses" GS 62, p. 67

Czeslaw Milosz

    "Somebody Different" GS66, p.71

    "Inserting a meaning" GS66, p.72

    "Milder" GS66, p.73

    "A Desire" GS66, p.74

    "To Wash" GS66, p.75

    "I Saw" GS66, p.76

    "A Little Treatise on Colors" GS66, p.77

    "Be Like Others" GS66, p.78 (tr. Robert Hass)

Gabriela Mistral

    "They Talk to You" (tr. Fatima Mujcinovic) GS 61, p. 247

    "Hide Me" (tr. Fatima Mujcinovic) GS 61, p. 247

Ange Mlinko

    "The North End" GS 56, p. 186

    "Sullivan Square" GS 56, p. 187

    "Anniversary" GS 56, p. 188

Albert Mobilio

    "Talus Slope" GS 44, p. 78

Eugenio Montale

    "Motets" (tr. Jonathan Galassi) GS 41, p. 24

Jenny Morelli

    "Abingdon Square" (tr. Verne Moberg) GS 47, p. 126

Hilda Morley

    "for John Cage's Etudes Australes" GS 43, p. 31

    "Untitled" GS 49, p. 109

    "To Draw The Blinds" GS 51, p. 176

    "This Almost Last Day" GS 55, p. 19

    "For Piet Mondrain" GS 63, p. 90

    "Late This Afternoon" GS 65, p. 26

    "Bird Talking" GS 65, p. 27

Fred Moten

    "Arkansas" GS 61, p. 136

Heiner MŸller

    "The Luckless Angel" (tr. Iain Bamforth) GS 69 p. 233

"I am the Angel of Perplexity" (tr. Iain Bamforth) GS 69, p. 234

"The Luckless Angel 2" (tr. Iain Bamforth) GS 69, p. 234

"Yesterday on a Sunny Afternoon" (tr. Iain Bamforth) GS 69, p. 235

"Fremder Blick: Farewell to Berlin" (tr. Iain Bamforth) GS 69, p. 235

Inge MŸller

    "The Way Home 45" (tr. Matthew Griffin) GS 69, p. 91

    "Under the Rubble III" (tr. Matthew Griffin) GS 69, p. 114

Les Murray

    "High River" GS 36, p. 43

Vladimir Nabokov

    "Cubes" (tr. Dmitr Nabokov) GS 68, p. 31

Richard Nalley

    "Salt Tears" GS 47, p. 158

Taslima Nasrin

    "Another Life" (tr. Carolyne Wright) GS 53, p. 172

    "Body Theory" (tr. Carolyne Wright) GS 53, p. 173

Pablo Neruda

    "Sense of Autobiography" (tr. Alastair Reid) GS 64, p. 11

    "The Little Schoolteacher" (tr. Alastair Reid) GS 64, p. 12

    "Sense of Smell" (tr. Alastair Reid) GS 64, p. 13

Philip Nikolayev

    "A Visceral Yes" GS 64, p. 95

Cees Nooteboom

    "Self-Portrait of an Other" (tr. Duncan Dobbelmann) GS 67, p. 126

D. Nurkse

    "Ark River" GS 57, p. 61

    "During the Rule of Voices" GS 57, p.63

    "Empire Boulevard" GS 60, p. 62

    "Payless" GS 60, p. 63

Ryan Oba

    "Alone with the Israelites" GS 67 p. 71

Michael O'Brien

    "Snow" GS 62, p. 198

    "At Schoodic" GS 66, p. 124

    "16 Songs" GS 66, p. 125

Sharon Olds

    "Emily Dickinson's Writing Table in Her Bedroom at the Homestead,            Amherst, Mass" GS 44, p. 246

    "The Necklace" GS 44, p. 248

    "Where Was It" GS 70, p. 154

Brigitte Oleschinski


    (tr. Andrew Shields) GS 69, p. 190


        BREATH" (tr. Andrew Shields) GS 69, p. 191


        CLOTHES SWEAT" (tr. Andrew Shields) GS 69, p. 192

    3 Poems  (translated by Andrew Shields) GS73, p.176 -177

Imre Oravecz

    "Dust" (tr. Bruce Berlind) GS 37, p. 197

    "The Hole" (tr. Bruce Berlind) GS 37, p. 199

    "The Fishing Man" (tr. Bruce Berlind & Maria Korosy) GS 55, p. 129

    "Soliders' Graves" (tr. Bruce Berlind & Maria Korosy) GS 55, p. 131

Aras …ren

    "Mrs. Kunzer's Neighbors" (tr. Erda_ M. Gšknar) GS 69, p. 20

    "Lullaby for TŸrkiye" (tr. Erda_ M. Gšknar) GS 69, p. 22

Caitriona O'Reilly

    "To the Muse" GS 73, p. 110-111

    "Hierophant" GS 73, p. 111

Eric Ormsby

    "Mutanabbi in Exile" GS 38, p. 165

Albert Ostermaier

    "Tatar Titus" (tr. John Hamilton) GS 69, p. 193

Alice Oswald

    from Dart GS 71, p. 97

    'A Star Here and a Star There' GS73, p. 54, 55

    "Sonnet" GS73, p. 56

    "The Hyades" GS 73, p. 57-59


    "The Tale of Myrrha" (tr. David R. Slavitt) GS 47, p. 137

Michael Palmer

    "Eighth Sky" GS 39, p. 150

    "SB" GS 39, p. 149

    "Untitled (February '92)" GS 46, p. 136

    "Untitled (September '92)" GS 46, p. 137

Eric Pankey

    "The Other Side of the Argument" GS 39, p. 179

    "The Pear as One Example" GS 47, p. 170

    "The Structure of Faith" GS 39, p. 178

Alan Parker

    "The Widow Dido" GS 66, p.63

Oskar Pastior

    "today's arithmetic" (tr. Peter Constantine) GS 69, p. 138

Tom Paulin

    "Painting the Carport" GS 40, p. 166

    "Linda Nicklin" GS 49, p. 186

Octavio Paz

    "Stanzas for an Imaginary Garden" (tr. Eliot Weinberger) GS 61, p. 105

    "Snapshots" (tr. Eliot Weinberger) GS 61, p. 107

Alejandra Pizarnik

    "Figures and Silence" (tr. Suzanne Jill Levine) GS 61, p. 82

    "A Dream Where Silence is Golden" (tr. Suzanne Jill Levine)

        GS 61, p. 82

    "Rescue" (tr. Suzanne Jill Levine) GS 61, p. 83

    "Tte de Jeune Fille (Odilon Redon)" (tr. Suzanne Jill Levine)

        GS 61, p. 83

"Horrah Pornoff" (Clayton Eshleman)

    "Derision" GS 43, p. 101

Jure Potokar

    "Persons" (tr. Michael Biggins) GS 43, p. 186

    "Touching" (tr. Michael Biggins) GS 43, p. 187

David Ray

    "Locus" GS 65, p. 64

Srikanth Reddy

    "Corruption" GS 70, p. 195

Peter Redgrove

    "Climax Forest" GS 42, p. 190

    "The Laboratories" GS 52, p. 18

    "The Women Spin" GS 52, p. 20

    "Reveries" GS 52, p. 21

    "Poems" GS 54, p. 234

    "Cornish Hills in the Black Mirror" GS 54, p. 236

    "Manuduction" GS 54, p. 238

Christopher Reid

    "Fetish" GS 53, p. 74

Kathryn Rhett

    "Arc" GS 42, p. 79

    "I Am the Elder" GS 42, p. 80

Michael Symmons Roberts

    "Deux Ex Machina-One" GS 70, p.178

    "Pika" GS 70, p. 179

    "Corpse' GS73, p. 86

Robin Robertson

    "Escapology" GS 53, p. 63

    "A Decomposition" GS 53, p. 64

    "After the Overdose" GS 62, p. 146

    "Navigating North" GS 62, p. 147

    "Static" GS 62, p. 148

    "Retreat" GS 62, p. 149

    "Ludic" GS 62, p. 150

    "Blowing out the Light" GS 62, p. 150

    "Lithium" GS 62, p. 151

    "The Oven Man" GS 71, p. 223

    "The Larches of Zernikow" GS 71, p. 224

    "At Kaikoura" GS 71, p. 225

    "Sorrows" GS 71, p. 226

    "To the Island" GS 71, p. 227

Kit Robinson

    "Visceral Reluctance" GS 41, p. 102

Stephen Rodefer

    "Spurwhang Filch" GS 43, p. 173

Kenneth Rosen

    "Death in March" GS 59, p. 155

Raphael Rubinstein

    "Provenance" GS 67, p. 219

Mark Rudman

    "Cloud in a Bottle" GS 70, p. 187

Peter Sacks

    "Kein Ander" GS 62, p. 80

Alicia Vogl Saenz

    "Blood Like a Rorschach Blot" GS66, p. 95

    "On the Edge of a Crater" GS66, p. 96

Toma_ _alamun

    "Untitled" (tr. Michael Biggins) GS 63, p.28

    "I Know" (tr. by the author and Christopher Merrill) GS 63, p. 29

    "Untitled" (tr. by the author and Christopher Merrill) GS 63, p. 30

    "Proverbs" (tr. by the author and Phillis Levin) GS 64, p. 30

    "My Glass, My Flour (tr. Christopher Merril and the author) GS 68, p. 78

    "Hvar" (tr. Christopher Merrill and the author) GS 68, p. 79

    "Flower" (tr. Christopher Merrill and the author) GS 68, p. 79

    "The flight of a bird..." (tr. Phillis Levin and the author) GS 68, p. 79

    "On the terrace..." (tr. Phillis Levin and the author) GS 68, p. 79

    "Maru_ka" (tr. Joshua Beckman and the author) GS 68, p. 80

Joachim Sarotrium

    "Little Queen of the Lovely Whores" (tr. Andrew Shields) GS 69, p. 29

Amy Scattergood

    "Latitude Sailing" GS 51, pp. 67-69

Jeff Schiff

    "Adios' GS 73 , p. 178-179

Torgeir Schjerven

    "He Lay There and Was a Great Lover in a Night Without Civilization"

        (tr. Hallberg Hallmundsson) GS 47, p. 125

Jason Schneiderman

    "Anatomy I" GS 73, p. 190

Philip Schultz

    from "Souls Over Harlem" GS 70, p.146

Vittorio Sereni

    "Passing Through" (tr. W.S. Di Piero) GS 58, p. 73

    "Image" (tr. W.S. Di Piero) GS 58, p. 74

Tatiana Shcherbina

    "I Feel Like a Wheatfield" GS 57, p. 154

Reginald Shepherd

    "Pericles, Prince of Tyre: A Commentary" GS 52, p. 219

    "From the World of Matter" GS 61, p. 218

Aaron Shurin

    "An Exhibition" GS 38, p. 55

    "Human Immune" GS 48, p. 16

ElŽni SikŽlian˜s

    "Campo Santo" GS 58, p. 54

    "Quamash" GS 58, p. 55

    "Au Lait" GS 58, p. 56

Charles Simic

    "Beauty" GS 37, p. 179

    "Clouds Gathering" GS 40, p. 115

    "Leaves" GS 45, p. 45

    "Pastoral Harpsichord" GS 51, p. 18

    "The Emperpor" GS 51, p. 19

    "Sunset's Coloring Book" GS 51, p. 20

    "The Unseen Hand" GS 66, p. 110

    "Child Playing With a Scissors" GS 66, p. 111

C. H. Sisson

    "Figure" GS 45, p. 66

    "Portrait of the Artist" GS 45, p. 67

Bruce Smith

    "Mercy Seat" GS 41, p. 116

    "Catullan IV" GS 62, p. 190

    "Catullan VII" GS 62, 191

    "Catullan VIII" GS 62, 191

Charlie Smith

    "An Orange Light in the Windows" GS 72, p. 21

    "Clean" GS 72, p. 22-23

John Vignaux Smyth

    "The Bed in Amsterdam" GS 71, p. 189

Gary Snyder

    "Afloat" GS 45, p. 147

    "Ripples on the Surface" GS 42, p. 21

Alan Soldofsky

    "The Beginning of Summer" GS 42, p. 115

Goran Sonnevi

    from "Disparates" (tr. Rika Lessser) GS 67, 198


    "Has the Silver River . . ." (tr. Constantine Contogenis

        & Wolhee Choe) GS 43, p. 174

Marin Sorescu

    "Group" (tr. Stuart Friebert and Adriana Varga) GS 39, p. 51

Jack Spicer

    Two Poems GS 65 pp. 158 -159

George Starbuck

    "Cargo Cult of the Solstice at Hadrian's Wall" GS 36, p. 162

    "Speedreader Solvesnovel" GS 36, p. 16

Hugh Steinberg

    "Collage: Murder Mystery" GS 45, p. 174

    "World's Fair" GS 45, p. 176

    "Coastline" GS 54, p. 81

Stephanie Strickland

    " 32" GS 70, p. 241

Terese Svoboda

    "Sleeping Apart" GS66, p. 147

    "Islam Extremist" GS 66, p. 148

Matthew Sweeney

    "The Mules" GS 62, p. 179

    "Reading" GS 62, p. 180

    "Chinese Opera" GS 62, p. 181

Cole Swensen

    "Opera Notes: Those Who Are Stabbed" GS 63, p. 184

Larissa Szporluk

    "Eel" GS 57, p. 139

    "Occupant of the House" GS 57, p. 140

    "Flight of Mice" GS 57, p. 141

    "Holy Ghost" GS 60, p. 135

    "Orchard of Far Worlds" GS 64, p. 142

    "Sanctuary" GS 64, p. 143

Nathaniel Tarn

    "Aspens This Fall" GS 46, p. 46

James Tate

    "Restless Leg Syndrome" GS 59, p. 35

S¿ren Ulrik Thomsen

    "Untitled" (tr. Susanna Nied) GS 48, p. 28

John Tranter

    "The Un-American Women" GS 49, p. 81

    "Daffy Leaves Hollywood" GS 49, p. 82

Kyoko Uchida

    "Peaches" GS 70, p. 71

    "Motion" GS 70, p. 72

    "Taking Your Shoes Off" GS 70, p. 73

    "Needle" GS 71, p. 39

Giuseppe Ungaretti

    "August" (tr. Gilbert Wesley Purdy) GS 58, p. 97

    "That I Might Sleep" (tr. Gilbert Wesley Purdy) GS 58, p. 98

    "Parting" (tr. Gilbert Wesley Purdy) GS 58, p. 99

Kim Vaeth

    "The Searchlight Leaves Home" GS 65 p. 143

    "The Searchlight Dreams of Love" GS 65 p. 144

    "The Searchlight Finds The Beginning" GS 65 p. 145

Cesar Vallejo

    "From Trilce" (tr. Clayton Eshleman and Julio Ortega) GS 41, p. 56

Ryan G. Van Cleave

    "The Melancholy of Departure, 1914" GS 71, p. 228

    "Famous (Almost)" GS 71, p. 229

Nance Van Winckel

    "Ghost Pig" GS 44, p. 173

Robert VanderMolen

    "Bodies" GS 57, p. 101

    "Detail" GS 57, p. 102

    "Painting Shutters" GS 61, p. 159

    "Commerce" GS 66, p. 232

    "Getting Purchase on Ice" GS 66, p. 233

Jeffrey Wainwright

    "Anne's Shells" GS 67, p. 183

Sara Wallace

    "the north place" GS 68, p. 214

Jo Ann Wasserman

    "Portrait" GS 66, p. 230

    "Miracle Cure" GS 66, 231

Brooke Wiese

    "He and She" GS 68, p. 174

Christian Wiman

    "The Last Hour" GS 66, p. 193

Xavier Villaurrutia

    "Nocturne of the Rose" (tr. Felix Jimenez) GS 45, p. 172

Rosmarie Waldrop

    "Reading Freud" GS 46, p. 39

    "Composing Stick" GS 53, p. 258

Rosanna Warren

    "Le Ventre de Paris: A Marriage Poem" GS 38, p. 38

Mark Weiss

    "Painted" GS 54, p. 212

Majorie Welish

    "Fingerprints" GS 58, p. 191

Susan Wicks

    "The Clever Daughter" GS 56, p. 226

Fiona Wilson

    "Kelp" GS 51, p. 137

Rebecca Wolff

    "Letters, young and old poets" GS 54, p. 249

Charles Wright

    "Maple on the Hill" GS 38, p. 113

John Yau

    "Postcard from Georg Trakl" GS 39, p. 210 

    "Postcard from Georg Trakl" GS 39, p. 211

Levent Yilmaz

    "The Lake, Part III" (tr. Haydar Dilaar) GS 70, p. 61

Brian Young

    "Returning the Book of Common Prayer" GS 53, p. 229

Kevin Young

    "Savoy" GS 57, p. 193

    "Onion Gum (1983)" GS 57, p.196

    "Film Noir (The Set-Up) GS 68, p. 201

    "Film Noir (The Chase) GS 68, p. 203

Saœl Yurkievich

    "Revolution" (tr. Cola Franzen) GS 56, p. 22